What certificate is required for exporting lithium-ion batteries to South Korea, and how to obtain this certificate?

Release time:2024-07-09    Click:48

What certificate is required for exporting lithium-ion batteries to South Korea, and how to obtain this certificate?

South Korea has strict regulations on the import of lithium-ion batteries to ensure safety and environmental requirements. 

The following are the common main certifications for exporting lithium-ion batteries to South Korea:

1.KC certification

2.UN38.3 test report

3.IECEE CB certification

1.KC certification

KC certification is a basic requirement for product safety in the Korean market. Lithium ion batteries exported to 

South Korea must pass KC certification to ensure they meet South Korean safety standards.

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How to obtain KC certification?

Choose a certification body: Firstly, choose a certification body recognized by the South Korean government, 

which can be a domestic or local laboratory in South Korea.

Preparation of application materials: Provide detailed information including battery specifications, technical 

parameters, usage instructions, etc.

Sample testing: Send the sample to the designated laboratory for testing, including the electrical characteristics 

and safety performance of the battery.

Review and certification: After passing the test, the certification agency will review the report and issue the KC certification certificate.

2.UN38.3 Test report

UN38.3 is the international safety standard of the United Nations for the transportation of lithium-ion batteries. Ensuring that batteries 

do not pose any danger during transportation.

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How to obtain UN38.3 test report?

Select testing lab: Choose a lab with UN38.3 testing qualifications.

Submit the sample and file: Provide the testing samples and related technical information.

Testing: The laboratory will conduct a series of simulated transportation environment tests, such as height simulation, 

temperature cycling, vibration, impact, short circuit, etc.

Obtain report: After passing the test, the laboratory will issue a UN38.3 test report.

3.IECEE CB certification

IECEE CB certification is a certification system of the International Electrotechnical Commission's electrical product conformity 

testing and certification organization, aimed at promoting international trade.

IEC62133 testing report with CB certification.jpg

How to obtain IECEE CB certification?

Select CB testing lab: Choose a CB testing lab approved by IECEE.

Submit application information: provide the technical information and testing application sheet of the testing battery.

Sample testing: The lab will test the battery according the IEC standard.

Review and certificate: After passing the test, the lab will issue a CB test report and CB certificate.


Exporting li-ion battery to South Korea must meet the requirements of KC certification, UN38.3 test report and IECEE CB, etc. 

The steps of obtaining this certification including selecting a suitable testing institution, preparing and submitting necessary 

application information, processing related test and obtaining certification through passing test. Knowing and following this 

requirements, not only can ensure that your product export to Korean market, but also improve your international competitiveness.